Tuesday, March 26, 2013

New oil reserves found in Indonesia

Special Task Force for Upstream Oil and Gas Business Activities (SKK Migas) states that Sharing Contract Contractors (KKKS) has found three oil and gas reserves in Indonesia.
The Head of Exploration Division at SKK Migas, Nugrahani, said in the press release that one of the new discovery was located in South Kecapi-1 Well in Bontang Block in the offshore of East Kalimantan. The well, which is estimated to contain 6,000 barrel oil per day (bpd) and eight mmscfd of gas, is operated by Salamander Energy Pte Ltd.
The second discovery is in North Klalin-3 Well of Bermuda Block which contains 7.8 mmscfd of gas and 240 bpd condensate. The well, located in Salawati, is operated by Petrochina International.
The last discovery is in Ajek-1 Well in Kofiau Block, which is operated by Niko Resources. Located in Raja Ampat, West Papua, the well contains 240 bpd of oil and 7.8 mmscfd gas. Nugrahani said they would drill 144 oil and gas wells in 2013. It consists of 88 onshore wells and 56 offshore wells. 

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